Promex Shredded
Cheddar Cheese New Zealand 2kg

A semi-hard, cured cheese which delivers a firm, smooth texture and cheezy cheddar flavour. Highly versatile for cooking and baking applications.


Serving Size / Saiz Hidangan 28 g
Servings Per Package / Hidangan Setiap Bungkusan 71
Average Composition / Purata Komposisi Per 100 g / Setiap 100 g Per Serving / Setiap Hidangan
Energy / Tenaga 1701 kj 476 kj
Carbohydrate / Karbohidrat 0.1 g 0.0 g
Total Sugars / Jumlah Gula 0.1 g 0.0 g
Protein / Protein 23.8 g 6.7 g
Fat / Lemak 34.4 g 9.6 g
Sodium / Natrium 721.2 mg 201.9 mg

Additional information

Ingredients / Ramuan

Cheddar Cheese (Pasteurized Cow's Milk, Salt, Starter Cultures, Microbial Coagulating Enzyme), Anticaking Agent (INS 460(ii)) and Preservative (INS 200). Contains milk products. /
Keju Cheddar (Susu Lembu Pasteur, Garam, Kultur Pemula, Enzim Pembeku Mikroba), Agen Antipengerakan (INS 460(ii)) dan Bahan Pengawet (INS 200). Mengandungi produk susu.

Storage Advice / Cara Penyimpanan

Avoid direct sunlight exposure also all sources of heat and odour. Product should be stored and transported at frozen condition (-10ºC to -25ºC) in accordance with importing country regulations. Defrost at chilled environment (0ºC to 4ºC). Once defrosted, unopened product can be stored chilled for up to 4 days. Once opened, consume/use within 3 days. /
Elakkan daripada terdedah kepada cahaya matahari langsung dan semua sumber haba dan bau. Produk perlu disimpan dan diangkut dalam keadaan beku (-10ºC hingga -25ºC) mengikut peraturan negara import. Bekukan semula dalam persekitaran sejuk (0ºC hingga 4ºC). Setelah dibekukan semula, produk yang belum dibuka boleh disimpan dalam keadaan sejuk selama sehingga 4 hari. Setelah dibuka, gunakan dalam masa 3 hari.